What is National N Scale Convention 2024, you may ask? According to Wikipedia, a convention is “..a large gathering of people with a shared interest (usually professional or fandom related). These events are often recurring and are usually scheduled at a specific time each year.”
In our case, it is for N Scale Railway Modellers, and we meet every two years within Australia’s boundaries. In 2024 it will once more be Victoria’s turn to host the Biennial National N Scale Convention. This convention has been in operation since 1989, when the first national “N in ’89 Convention” was held in New South Wales. Now, in 2024 it will be held for the eighteenth time and a fourth time for Victoria.
Model railroading allows one to be a carpenter, an electrician, an artist, a historian and most importantly a creative dreamer. All it requires of you is using your hands and your imagination. The Committee of National N Scale Convention 2024 simply want to take your current skills and help elevate them to a new level.
At Convention 2024, the primary focus will continue to be N Scale, however many activities and clinics will appeal to the broader community of railway modellers, no matter the scale and/or region modelled. Our aim is to improve your modelling abilities by being part of the fandom, presented at the convention by fellow railway modellers, retailers, cottage industries and skilled artisans of the hobby, demonstrating at clinics/forums what can be achieved utilising tools/materials/software that are available today. Furthermore, appreciate models entered for judgement in order to determine the best in their respective classes at the convention modelling contest.
You will enjoy unbridled fellowship and guidance through the everchanging world of model railways. Come along and experience the moment, to see what you can achieve.
The railway tracks lead to Victoria in 2024, the destination Wangaratta in North East Victoria. Stay tuned via signing up to our email updates
The Convention is arranged and presented by N Scale Conventions Australia (NSCA) which is affiliated with the National Model Railway Association (NMRA)